Canvas crazy!

If you are close to me, whether you like it or not, you are probably going to end up with a canvas from me. I love experimenting with different themes and really try to personalize the project to reflect the individual I’m making it for.

For my Mom on Mother’s Day, I created a canvas using a beautiful print by Toronto artist Nancy Falconi that I purchased at the GACAG in Sutton. My Mom loves elephants and so I chose the word “strength” to be the simple statement, reflecting her and one of the themes elephants symbolize. I used a wooden cradle frame with a chunky 2″ frame. It can stand alone or be hung on the wall.

On his birthday, I gave my buddy Mr Rock Star a Pearl Jam canvas made on canvas board. If you’re into Pearl Jam, this will make sense to you. If you aren’t — you should be. I chose this shape of board because I thought it would be conducive to the stick man. There is a lot going on in this canvas. The bigger the fan, the more you’ll see.


This weekend, Miss Know-It-All and I are off to the bustling metropolis of Buffalo to attend the Creative Keepsakes Convention to take some classes, volunteer and of course — shop!

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